The Threepenny Collective is a brand new film and theatre production company based in London. It was founded by Ilya Wray, Michal Vojtech, and Ariel de la Garza, a plurinational group of passionate writers, directors, and theatre makers with a shared interest in bridging the disciplines of film and theatre. At Threepenny we above all value stories, and seek to tell them alongside up-coming-talent and crew.


Spoken in Plain Sight

Following the disappearance of a young woman, a corrupt detective and his wet-behind-the-ears partner stumble through the layers of London's starless underbelly.

Written and directed by Ilya Wray and Ariel De La Garza
Cinematography by Thomas Sandler
​Production Design by Oscar Godfrey

Costume design by noemi fintor
Produced by Gaia Parolini


In order to find her pet cat, a young toilet attendant has to sell her feet pics to the deranged river hunchback and find her way to a shadow puppet theatre adaptation of her life.

Written and directed by Ariel De La Garza and Michal Vojtech
Cinematography by Filip Kettner
Production Design by Barnaby Harber-Wincott
costume design by noemi fintor

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday in a traditional Czech village, Mathilde, a nihilistic teenager reeling from her mother’s death is
cursed by her younger sister to encounter Morana, the pagan goddess of death and winter. Mathilde is faced with achoice, to accept her grief and rejoin the ranks of the living or to embrace the darkness within.

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech and Ariel De La Garza
Cinematography by Filip Kettner
Production design by Theodora Ter-Akopowa
costume design by noemi fintor


Corpse Flower

A tragicomedy stage-play inspired 
by Expressionist cinema and Kafkaesque nightmares.

Written by Michal Vojtech and 
Ariel De La Garza
Directed by Ilya Wray
costume design by noemi fintor


"Partners 'n Rhymes; Date night with Georgie Wedge in 'Per-Verse'. A sexy blend of stand-up poetry guaranteed to leave everyone blushing."

Written and Performed by Georgie Wedge
Directed by Ilya Wray
Produced by Threepenny Collective


A one night showcase of three short stage plays, written and directed by the Threepenny Collective.

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech,
Ariel De La Garza, and Ilya Wray
Produced by Threepenny Collective

Something about Immortality

A one night showcase of three short stage plays, written and directed by the Threepenny Collective.

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech,
Ariel De La Garza, and Ilya Wray
Produced by Threepenny Collective

The Jester’s Secret Soirée

A one night showcase of three short stage plays, written and directed by the Threepenny Collective.

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech,
Ariel De La Garza, and Ilya Wray
Produced by Threepenny Collective

Spoken in Plain Sight (2024)

Written and directed by Ilya Wray and Ariel De La Garza

Cinematography by Thomas Sandler

​Production Design by Oscar Godfrey

​Costume Design by Noemi Fintor

Produced by Gaia Parolini

Shot in February 2024,
currently in post-production.

Following the disappearance of a young woman, a corrupt detective and his wet-behind-the-ears partner stumble through the layers of London's starless underbelly.

‘Spoken in Plain Sight’ is a genre-blending noir set in London, inspired by the films of Brian de Palma, the comedy of the Coen brothers and the eccentricity of Korean crime thrillers. Spoken in Plain Sight is driven by a neon-laced conspiracy that consumes the unprepared characters while exploring themes of paranoia, cyber-perversion, and loneliness in a metropolis.

The short film previews an oscillating late-night tale of naked hermits, obsessive locksmiths, and a sealed cabinet of catalogued VHS tapes that contain the next clue in the mystery... as long as they're listening for the right thing…

A woman sitting on a bed in a room.


Written and directed by Ariel De La Garza Davidoff 
and Michal Vojtech

Cinematography by Filip Kettner

​Production Design by Barnaby Harber-Wincott

costume design by noemi fintor

Shot in October 2023,
currently in post-production.

In order to find her pet cat, a young toilet attendant has to sell her feet pics to a deranged river hunchback and find her way to a shadow puppet theatre adaptation of her life.

In order to find her pet cat, a young toilet attendant has to follow the track of the mysterious hunchbacks who lurk around town trying to get her attention by stealing all things that she values, predominantly the items of her lost cat. She has to trade her feet pics to a deranged river hunchback in order to find her way to a secret shadow puppet theatre adaptation of her life reenacted by the secret society of the hunchbacks.

She discovers how deeply are the hunchbacks obsessed with her, and what’s worse, they don’t have her cat. Finally on her way home, she meets her cat Meow. But he is unfazed by their reunion. She finds out that Meow never wanted to stay with her in the first place. Even though Meow has left her, Anna Maria puts out a bowl of food for him, showing she will always be there for him, no matter what.

A group of young men standing next to each other.

Ash Wednesday

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech and Ariel De La Garza

Produced by Threepenny Collective

Cinematography by Filip Kettner

art direction by Theodora Ter-Akopowá

Costume design by Noemi Fintor

Shot in April 2024,
currently in post-production.

On Ash Wednesday in a traditional Czech village, Mathilde, a nihilistic teenager reeling from her mother’s death is cursed by her younger sister to encounter Morana, the pagan goddess of death and winter. Mathilde is faced with a choice, to accept her grief and rejoin the ranks of the living or to embrace the darkness within.

In a Czech village in early 2000s, the girls practice the ancient tradition of crafting an effigy of Morana, the Pagan goddess of death. On Ash Wednesday, the effigy is burnt and sent down-river, symbolising her departure into the underworld and the welcoming of Spring. Two sisters, Matihlde and Francesca, now orphans reel from their mother's death. Francesca hoped this would bring her closer to Mathilde, but instead, her older sister seems to escape her grief through vanity and nihilism. She sleeps around with Patrick, a vain village boy and Francesca’s boyfriend. 
When Francesca finds out about their affair, she vengefully calls for Morana to take her older sister. Mathilde's will to live is put to the test as she gets lost deeper in the dark woods and meets the Goddess of death.

Something about Immortality

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech,
Ariel De La Garza, and Ilya Wray

Produced by Threepenny Collective

Further Cast & Crew Details: Cast Ilya Wray, Saul Barrett, Katie Bignell, Matthew Rowan,
Vivian Tsitampani, Raphael Ruiz

Performed Winter 2023

A one night showcase of three short stage plays, written and directed by the Threepenny Collective.

In this energetic trio of short plays, a businessman desperately investigates a few unaccounted minutes on his daily commute through thickets of unconscious despair. A couple traverses their relationship mingling memories and dreams while an interloper lurks in the background. And  a travelling rose salesman sells a couple the promise of true love wrapped in plastic.

A collage of various images of people and words.

Jukesox (Edinburgh Fringe, 2024)

Written and directed by Ariel de la Garza Davidoff and Ilya Wray

Produced by Threepenny Collective

Further Cast & Crew Details: Cast Ilya Wray, Georgie Wedge, 
Lola Knight, Michal Vojtech Production Coordinator Santo Thomas

A lively sketch comedy show blending traditional sketches with improvisational humour.
The show thrives on the chemistry of its cast, delivering a unique performance each night. Characters and gags evolve as the audience is taken on a hilarious journey through life’s quirks, from everyday absurdities to current events.

Jukesox is for anyone and everyone that loves deranged and anarchic sketch comedy. Sketches are inspired by the greats - Mitchell and Webb, Big Train, Key and Peel, pioneering Chicago comedy troupes, but with 
a new improvisational edge. All the material for Jukesox is refined through improv workshops. Unlike conventional sketch shows, the narratives bleed into one another, with recurring gags and characters like Berry the cost-cutting council worker and Dolfo the insecure home assistant coming to life to enhance the cohesion and promising an entertaining exploration of life's absurd intricacies.

Threepenny performed three shows at C Aquila during the  2024 Edinburgh Fringe Fringe: Corpse Flower, an experssionistic horror-comedy; Per-Verse, a comedy about modern romance; and Juke Sox.

The Jester’s Secret Soirée

Written and directed by Ariel De La Garza and Ilya Wray

Produced by Threepenny Collective

Photographs by Artemis Adamantopolous

Further Cast & Crew Details: Cast Ilya Wray, Saul Barrett, 
Lara Ciulli, Georgie Wedge, 
Michal Vojtech, Ariel De La Garza

Performed Winter 2024

A not-so-secret secret soirée of comedy, premiering JUKESOX. Written and directed by the Threepenny Collective with a guest performance of ‘Per-Verse’ by Georgie Wedge.

The Secret Jester’s Soirée is a recurring event of the Threepenny Collective. To test out our new material, we set up comedy theatre plays and sketches in progress that we present for the intention of receiving feedback and get in touch with our audience and friends. Subscribe to our newsletter to get invited to the next Soirée!

Corpse Flower (Edinburgh Fringe 2024)

Written and directed by Ariel de la Garza
and Michal Vojtech

directed by Ilya Wray

costume design by noemi fintor

Further Cast & Crew Details: Cast  Medea Manaz, Alexandros Fragkos, Raphael Ruiz, 
Matthew Rowan, Lola KnightSet Design Oscar GodfreyLighting Design Thomas SandlerSound Designer Alex GordonCostume Design Noemi Fintor Production Coordinator Santo Thomas

A darkly comedic horror set in a stylised 19th century world. Millie, a young factory worker's hometown becomes overrun by scheming insect impostors.

Welcome to the lush, darkly funny world of Corpse Flower and follow the story of Millie, a young woman clawing her way through life in a squalid, industrial town. Assailed by the cruelty of those around her Millie is at her lowest... when suddenly, the town is overrun by giant insect impostors.

Get drawn into the insects’ absurd shadow world inspired by Tim Burton, expressionist cinema and Kafkaesque nightmares and explore the twisted sense of humour therein accompanied by an original live score.

Threepenny performed three shows at C Aquila during the  2024 Edinburgh Fringe Fringe: Per-Verse, a comedy about modern romance; JukeSox, an improvisational sketch show; and Corpse Flower.

Per-verse (Edinburgh Fringe, 2024)

Written and Performed by Georgie Wedge

Directed by Ilya Wray

Produced by Threepenny Collective

Further Cast & Crew Details:Art Direction Oscar Godfrey

Lighting Design Thomas Sandler

Production Coordinator Santo Thomas

Embark on a confessional journey through love, sex, and dating. Georgie Wedge's one-woman show blends stand-up, poetry, storytelling and physical comedy, to offer an intimate and honest exploration of her dating experiences through 
the senses.

A confessional voyage through love, sex, and dating, Per-Verse is a one-woman show written and performed by Georgie Wedge, blending stand-up poetry, storytelling, and physical comedy. Georgie’s expertly crafted and intimate performance examines her dating journey through the senses 
in an interactive performance, unapologetically raw, seamlessly weaving moments of hilarious naturalism with intelligent and rhythmic verse. 
An unforgettable exploration, where no topic is off-limits and every sensation is vividly portrayed; captivating fusion of humour and heart, guaranteed to leave an audience laughing, thinking, and even blushing.

Threepenny performed three shows at C Aquila during the  2024 Edinburgh Fringe Fringe:  Jukesox, an improvisational sketch show; 
 Corpse Flower, an experssionistic horror-comedy; and Per-Verse.


The challenge and magic of analogue story displayed on 8mm, SUPERCOOL is Threepenny’s experimental sandbox using Super 8 film stock. Have a look at what a small team can do with ultra-low resources and maximum creativity.

If you’re buzzing to collaborate on your own SUPERCOOL, then send us a message us on with your idea and we’ll find a way to make it work!

“Love bites” movie 2024

The challenge and magic of analogue story displayed on 8mm, SUPERCOOL is Threepenny’s experimental sandbox using only Super 8mm film stock. Have a look at what a small team can do with ultra-low resources and maximum creativity.

Written and directed by Michal Vojtech, Ariel De La Garza

Produced by Threepenny Collective


In an old godforsaken coastal town struck by a famine, Millie, a young girl, struggles to support her ailing mother. One faithful night, as Millie slaves away at the pesticide factory, the townsmen get eaten by a swarm of silly billy bugs.

Written by Michal Vojtech, Ariel De La Garza

Directed by Ilya Wray

Produced by Threepenny Collective